I am a Clay County High School Panther. I believe that all things are possible with the help of God and my teammates. I have been vested by the virtue of being a Panther with the duty of transmitting the ideals of Clay County High School athletics to those who may follow after, not any less, but greater than they were transmitted to me. Donning a blue and white uniform reminds me that I must strive for excellence, for others before me toiled, sweated, bled, and suffered pain for the privlege of wearing these colors. I am a Panther. I hold true to the fact that being a Panther delivers to me the responsibility of upholding a highly esteemed and much respected tradition. For me, as a Panther, true victory exists, not in finishing first of scoring the most points, but finishing with the knowledge that I have expended my every energy to bring with honor to myself, my teammates, and Clay County High School.
I am a Panther. Being a Panther, I believe that it is my place to be the competitor, rather that the critic; to be the participant, rather than the spectator; to be involved, rather than isolate; to be part of, rather than apart from; and most of all, to seize oppurtunity, rather than have time caused it to elude my grasp.
I am a Panther. I am only one Panther. I can't do everything but I believe that I can do something. That which I can do, I believe I ought to do.
I am a Panther. I will bear the name proudly always. When the last field goal is made, when the last cheer is complete, when the last strike is thrown, and the last uniform is neatly stored, when the stands stand empty, and the score board darkens, when the last practice ends, when the final game commences, when the season' ceased, even then filled with a sense of accomplishment and pride, I will boast proudly to all, I AM A PANTHER